Walking The Walk
After over a decade in this business, the milestones can really creep up on you.
When The License Lab celebrated its tenth anniversary back in 2021, we pointed to our guiding tenets as the company entered a new chapter by partnering with Universal Production Music to exclusively represent our catalog of production music around the world. In the subsequent years, we’ve doubled down on those core beliefs: quality above quantity, pursuing passion, honoring imperfection, and of course, the judicious use of exclamation points.
We truly feel that we’re putting out some of the best music we’ve ever made.
And while we’ve been busy cooking up all manner of handcrafted sonic inspiration, The License Lab has, rather quietly, reached 500 releases across our ten labels. As they say, time flies when you’re neck deep in metadata. We share this milestone not to brag but to share the collective pride we take in our work. We want to honor and thank all of the friends and colleagues who have contributed to The License Lab through their time, talents, and support. With every line of data and every mastered waveform, we know that quality is at the forefront of each of those 500 releases. And that’s something to celebrate.
“But wait, there’s more!”
(hey look, an exclamation point)
In 2019, we began our blog Lab Notes, regularly publishing original content related to our company, industry changes, initiatives, new releases, and interviews with our makers and colleagues. We’ve covered an array of topics including podcast music, the importance of stems, a history of library music, K-Pop, the unionization of music supervisors, and trending keywords within Universal Production Music. With every feature and interview, Lab Notes aims to provide value to our clients and followers. And truthfully, we love talking about music and this blog gives us another reason to share that passion. After four years, Lab Notes has now published 250 original pieces... and nary an AI-generated paragraph in sight.
“Initially, starting a License Lab blog from scratch felt like a tall order,” shares Lab Notes main writer Nathan Honoré. “But since the company already had such a clear identity when I came on board, it became more about translating that voice to a new medium. We want to share our music and these stories with the same tenacity as major music industry outlets.”
These milestones are simply the result of staying the course, walking the walk and being intentional about the work we produce. It’s easier said than done, of course. But thanks to the support of an incredible community and extended family, we’re afforded the opportunity to keep our heads down and follow those ten guiding tenets that have set us down this path.
And we’re just getting started.