Manufactured Reality


There is incredible irony in the naming of the cultural juggernaut that is Reality Television. From its early days of The Real World or Survivor to the Housewives of [Insert City Here], the “reality” shown on screen is as authentic as Chef Boyardee’s pasta.

But there is no denying the exponential growth and impact of the genre. While the drama of Reality TV can be larger-than-life, it is the music that dictates the levels of suspense, quirkiness, heartbreak, and triumph.

That’s why our Modus Operandi Production Music label has been a home for albums specifically designed for reality television, cooking competitions, and challenges to earn contestants big prizes and deliver audiences big entertainment.

In addition to each MOPM song having the industry standard full and alternate versions, we’ve also made sure that each track has at least two others on the album that have been intentionally created with the same fundamental musical building blocks of key and tempo. So despite the on-screen anarchy, these tracks work together harmoniously and allow you to add length and interest to every season and spinoff in a world of Manufactured Reality.

Walk On Talk On (MOPM-089)

Competitive reality character intros fueled by dramatic electronic textures, orchestra hits, and attitude

Standout Personalities: Melodramatic, Determined, Bold, Exciting

Our Summary: Flavors as varied as EDM synths, brass stabs, lively Latin piano, and bluesy guitars are at the ready for every captivating (or eye rolling) dramatic display. 

Cut-throat competition, shady schemes, backstage politics, high-stakes pitches, broken hearts, and to the victor go the spoils.

Humanity Reality (MOPM-078)

Find the missing pieces to your backstory with the help of teammates, family, and friends

Standout Personalities: Uplifting, Proud, Anticipation, Building

Our Summary: On the more wholesome side of the Reality TV spectrum, guitar and piano led tracks stay positive with soft determination in a competitive atmosphere. 

Working to score backstories with family footage along with frantic pivots to plan B, these contestants are in it for the experience, not the prize money.

Puzzling Reality (MOPM-044)

Melodrama & tension for reality TV competitions, quiz shows, athletic battles, survivor pools

Standout Personalities: Tense, Mysterious, Urgent, Time Passing

Our Summary: Choreographed lights create moments of tension before a nervy contestant locks in their response. Obstacle courses are methodically navigated by athletes who created replicas in their backyards. And all the while the clock ticks down.

This is the soundtrack for gladiators of the mind and body. 

Reactive Reality (MOPM-036)

Drama TV soundtracks for decision making close-ups, fear-inducing panel discussions, regret-filled reviews

Standout Personalities: Ominous, Tense, Busy, Determined

Our Summary: This is the kind of soundtrack that makes the viewer’s palms sweaty, amplifying the suspense and tension before season-defining actions.

Ratcheting up the intensity bit by bit, these tracks also work for post-mortem goodbyes and talking heads.

Island Intrigue (MOPM-016)

Lightly dramatic exotic backdrops for reality programming, documentaries, & survival challenges

Standout Personalities: Powerful, Heroic, Suspense, Percussive

Our Summary: When contestants cross continents and countries or discover remote islands, the percussion dictates the pace and flavor of the competition. 

With marimba, a variety of hand drums, and additional melodic elements, the action takes on personality that matches the location.

Additional soundtracks for Unrealistic Realities: