New Playlist Alert: Stronger Together


There have been a few phrases that we’ve heard and/or repeated a countless amount of times since the start of #SaferAtHome. Phrases like “These are strange times” and “Stay healthy, stay safe.” For many, this is a time of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. But it’s not all darkness.

There’s the ever-present Mr. Rogers quote that reminds us to “Look for the helpers.” There are countless, essential workers who are doing all they can to keep us healthy, safe, and fed. And there’s all of us, staying inside and doing our part to stop the spread. So many people coming together in a display of quiet strength.

We’ve compiled a playlist of songs that build on that strength, aiming to inspire, show a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, and remind us that we can do this. Whether you’re a small business tirelessly laboring over new ways to stay open and reach your loyal patrons, or you’re a member of a company pivoting their messaging to provide comfort and support to their customers, music helps us get through it all.


With beautiful piano melodies and arpeggiations, optimistic organic elements, soothing voices, and emotional arcs, this collection of songs aims to help guide us to better days. They remind us that we don’t have to do this alone and that we’re always stronger together… even when we’re apart.

Here are just a few of our favorite tracks from Stronger Together:


“Where It All Began” 

Wide open with possibility and promise, guitars and piano make poignant statements that spiral upward and introduce plaintive voices calling us all to rise to the occasion. There are swells of movement and rhythm that exude an infectious positive energy and renewed sense of hope.


“Determined Warriors”

We are fierce in focus, bold in vision. This is the sound of never giving up and seeing this thing through to the end. “Determined Warriors” leans into the drama and pent up energy of the moment by featuring epic and inspiring percussion matched with a powerful wall of strings, choir, and brass. We are warriors.

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