Call & Response: Immortal Girlfriend
(4 min)
Immortal Girlfriend is a nocturnal Synthwave band consisting of brothers Will and Kevin Bush. Taking inspiration from their childhood and night driving, they’ve created a sound that is full of dreamy synthesizers, textures, and danceable beats. After enduring layoffs and a battle with cancer, Will and Kevin have adopted a “never quit” attitude and support each other through it all. We chat about their newest release, how the sounds of the night became a part of their signature sound, and what happens next for the band in these uncertain times.
Photo by: Weston Rich
Lab Notes (LN): If you had to boil your musical journey into one sentence, what would it be? (Run-on sentences accepted and encouraged.)
Immortal Girlfriend (IG): Our childhood and influences channeled through synths and samplers.
LN: For those unfamiliar with your music, how do you describe your sound?
IG: Sleek and cinematic but also concise and poppy. Organic and human but also robotic and electric. It’s the musical equivalent of Robocop.
LN: Your most recent release, RIDE, seems to really lean into the ‘driving at night’ vibe. What about that time is so inspiring and influential for you?
IG: Much of the project was born out of night drives. Time on the road gave us time to think, driving around listening to tracks that we’ve made and humming ideas along to them, it can be very therapeutic. The night takes on a life of its own, it brings its own energy, much of that energy found its way into us and our writing.
LN: How does an Immortal Girlfriend song start? How does it get to what we hear on the finished EPs?
IG: It usually starts with a botched relationship, add in some tragic timing, general anxiety, a pinch of night and voila, a danceable synth track!
The night takes on a life of its own, it brings its own energy, much of that energy found its way into us and our writing.
LN: You guys have endured some tough times. What role has music played in your recovery, lives, and your relationship as brothers?
IG: Music is healing, the vibrations affect us humans on a deeper metaphysical level. Lifting the spirit can lift the body and mind, that’s usually what we set out to do when creating. Having a creative outlet is important in times of turmoil and uncertainty. We’ve always been fairly close as brothers but having this project to return to and team up on has unlocked an appreciation for each other on and off the stage. We’re grateful to have a tag team partner to go through the good and tough times with.
LN: You just released RIDE a few months ago, but with the industry in flux and live shows nearly nonexistent, what’s next for Immortal Girlfriend and how are you adapting?
IG: We’re spending our time writing a score to a not yet existing Batman Beyond live action movie, haha. We’re working on a follow up to RIDE, some of the themes we’re delving into are being explored in some of our social media. We really miss shows and hope we can tour worldwide one day.
LN: What inspires you? What gives you hope these days?
IG: Every day is a blank slate, every breath a gift. Any chance we get to make music is an inspiration. Seeing the light in the dark has kind of been our thing for most of our lives. The realization that change is inevitable, and that if it’s not going so well for you, it will eventually end, and if it’s going well for you, to appreciate those moments more. We also have some inspiring friends and family who keep us grounded. We thank God for all of these elements.
LN: What music are you listening to right now?
IG: Partynextdoor, The National, Perturbator, Warren G, Roddy Ricch
We’ve always been fairly close as brothers but having this project to return to and team up on has unlocked an appreciation for each other on and off the stage. We’re grateful to have a tag team partner to go through the good and tough times with.
LN: What do you do when you’re not creating music?
IG: Cooking tasty meals, making mad healthy smoothies, video games, focusing on mental and physical health. Night car rides.
LN: If you were trapped on a desert island, what 5 albums could you not live without?
1. Korn - Issues
2. Bon Iver - 22 A Million
3. Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
4. Jawbreaker - Dear You
5. M83 - Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
Bonus Pick - Perturbator - Dangerous Days
LN: What are three things about you that wouldn’t want left out of your Wikipedia page?
IG: We wouldn’t want anyone to forget our tag team run in WCW, our hardcore/screamo days of yesteryear, and our general love and admiration of Gal Gadot.